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Physical-Dance Contemporary Theatre.
Durée : 50 min. + 9

Someone said, “an image tells more than a hundred of words”, in INSOMNUS is the sound that small rumor who evokes those words.
A play where the synchrony between body and sound come to disturb the notion of the really “existing” by making the invisible more present.
A scenic madness that jostles and confronts either the performer and the audience in their different interpretations and opposites. A theatrical sound as an obstacle course wiping doubts and influences, dreams and limits: a clash with the difficulty of going forward, of being free. But everything depends on the point of view…

Are we free to imagine, decide, act or are we determined by our own whispers? Is freedom an illusion?

La liberté ne serait-elle pas une illusion ?

“A story that is created, interpreted and questioned in complicity with the audience“.

More than a conventional story, INSOMNUS takes place between the fine line of the real and the illusion. It plays with our subjectivity, through the paradox of free will and belief, between an empty stage and a full sound atmosphere which creates concrete realities where a human being will be immersed.
A little experiment, a labyrinth sound as an escape from our mazes and inner rubble, where the light is the window to our feelings, an echo of our reality. INSOMNUS is a play where the boundaries of real and imagination are never fixed. It is a theatrical sound scenic experience: An empty stage that gives way to heady, dreamlike situations bordering on madness, where sound, light and imagination draw inner free-dom as the one and the only real.

Who started the project ?
Sound Playwright and performer
Artistic collaboration, performer-sound

Collaborators :
Stage manager
Sound assistant (MÉXICO)
Lighting design (France)
Lighting design (Mexico)

Support and advise in recording and audio editing
First costume prototype
Final Costume design

Aarón Govea
Maud Giboudeau

Nathaly Rangel
Beatriz Bermúdez
Jorge Kuri Neumann y Fernando Olguín

Adrien Virat
Anouk Cazin
Bobby Watson

Production 2023
2018 – 2022 With the support of:
Proyecto apoyado por el programa Creadores escénicos del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (MEX)
Departement de la savoie, CHS de la Savoie, Ville de Chambéry, Espace Paul Jargot, La bobine (FRA)
Attack, (CRO)

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