MAR MONSTRUM. Tragicomedia. Teatro Físico. Duración: 80 min. + 9
It is a piece about the awakening of a man in between ropes, in a piece of wood, all floating in the middle of the sea. It is a lonely and helpless character, drifting in uncertainty. Through fishing different objects, small stories will be told: deep fears and obsessions will be revealed. In different occasions, he looks for landing in sight; he is forced to make a choice between staying and leaving.
It is a journey about the everlasting search for the meaning of life. It is a journey with the scenography as the antagonist of the story. It is an attempt to trigger a sense of wonder, imagination and mystery of our own existence.[/one_third]
As an abstraction of shipwreck, strings are transformed in a sea. A piece of wood as part of a sunken boat limiting the performance were the character can stand on top of it without touching the floor, and a coat will became a friend on this lonely place. The scenography creates dynamic images linked to the literature of Homero, Hemingway, Melville y Swift, etc.
The sound design has been created based on original Mexican popular songs as: “La bruja”, “En el mar la vida es mas sabrosa” and “La llorona”. It searches to create an atmosphere that involves to the spectator into the situation.[/one_third]
[one_third_last padding=”0 0 0 20px”]STARTING POINT
A shipwreck reminds us the power of nature that drives in a blink a man to his total vulnerable existence. There, confronting the imminent danger of death, his ingenuity, creativity and imagination are the only resources that he has to survive. This situation addresses the issue of human hopelessness through a character in his desperate search for the meaning of life. Frantic efforts to stay alive ultimately produce feelings of futility and helplessness, but this experience inadvertently generates an environment of beauty and poetic experiences, revealing the wreck as a paradox of constant and new chances coming from his inner self.